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Qualified Legal Advisor
Over 28 Years Experience
Reliable information
Mohamed Fathy
Senior Legal Adviser
Personal Introduction:
Legal adviser specializing in civil and commercial law, corporate law and insurance law. Through this Blog, I seek to share my legal knowledge and experience with readers.
Experience and qualifications:
He received a bachelor’s degree in law in 1997 and has been a legal adviser for more than 28 years. Specialized in various branches of Kuwaiti law and participated in several prominent cases.
The Blog’s objective:
My aim is to simplify complex legal concepts and provide useful legal advice to individuals and companies. I believe that legal knowledge must be accessible to all.
Target audience:
This Blog is for anyone who seeks a better understanding of the law, whether it be law students, business owners, or individuals facing daily legal issues.
Commitment to professionalism:
I am keen to provide accurate and up-to-date information reflecting legal developments, while emphasizing that this code does not make it necessary to hire a specialized lawyer to represent clients before the courts if necessary and we can provide advice and guidance to website goers on this matter.
Contact you:
You can contact me via email info@mfali.com if you have any queries.
Personal Conclusion:
Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you will find the benefit you are looking for. Do not hesitate to share your views or ask your questions.

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